Gay, lesbian, whatever?

Gay, lesbian, whatever? How tolerant are we?


A few weekends ago: Gaypride in Madrid! The streets were full of people, everyone laughed, celebrated and danced. And in the middle of it: My boyfriend and me.
Naked skin as far as the eye would see and kissing men on every corner - " All hypocrisy " - I heard a well-groomed elderly gentleman say to a woman. "Madrid is not half as tolerant as it is today." I shrugged my shoulders and turned again to my boyfriend, who could not save himself from all the admirers that day. Before I knew it - bang! He had caught another kiss. I laughed at the imprudence of the boys on the hunt and grabbed Rico by the hand.
We danced with gay couples, drank with a trans that had pressed her breasts into my face and celebrated sexual self-determination and identity with euphoria.
Then - the hangover a day later. Just like in the movies. Besides the side effects of alcohol, the memory shreds of the many same-sex kisses and... the words of the old man also appeared. "Madrid is not half as tolerant as it is today." I wondered if he was right. I thought about myself and had to admit that until a few years ago I had not treated homosexuality that naturally, which was probably due to my conservative parents and my circle of friends. Everyone around me was straight and I had never had any experience with another woman. Even when it came to pornography, I always used the classic man-woman constellation. Meanwhile it was a little different. From time to time I felt curiosity for the female body, had watched some Shemale or group sex films and was convinced that we should have tried everything we want to. What was the big deal? If you didn't like it, you just don't repeat... How often did we eat a bad pizza and finally the world didn't end.
 Everyone around me was straight and I myself had never had experiences with another woman. Even when it came to pornography, I always used the classic man-woman constellation. Meanwhile it was a little different. From time to time I felt curiosity for the female body, had watched some Shemale or group sex films and was convinced that one should have tried everything. What was the big deal? If you didn't like it, you just didn't... How often did we miss a lunchtime meal and finally the world didn't end.

And this is exactly the process our society is currently experiencing. Until a few decades ago, same-sex love was still something strange, something forbidden. Nowadays, nobody flinches when two men hold each other' s hands in the mall. Women marry other women, men adopt children, so what?
"Madrid is not half as tolerant as it is today" - that might be true for certain age groups. But things aren't always black or white. People change! Only because this man had encountered incomprehension or prejudice in concrete situations (and don't get me wrong! I regret that he had to make these experiences), this does not mean that our society is not developing.
Tolerance is evolutive. And what exactly does evolution mean? Evolution is the gradual change from generation to generation.
So with a little patience, we can say in a few years:
"Yes! Madrid is exactly that! The WORLD is exactly that! "Sexual self-determination, tolerance and understanding for all."