

Because our dreams are the most important things we actually have, I wanted to create something, that reminds us.

Do, what you want to do!


Crop-Top Do what you want to do!

Because you are able to do anything you want to do! We are FREE!



Light pink and mint green

Available in S, M, L


16,00 €

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  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

Crop-Shirt Do what you want to do!

Because you can do and achieve anything you want! Just believe in yourself! I do!


Light pink

Available in S and M

18,00 €

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  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

The idea behind my logo and behind the "Real Woman" line


What does MY tongue stand for?

I want to give a message to all the women out there: The only thing that really brings us forward is to do exactly what WE want to do. Let us banish all the fake stereotypes! SAY, what you want to say! BE, who you want to be! We are REAL WOMEN! No matter where we are from, how old, how tall or how slim we are!



Tanktop Real Woman

Real women laugh, real women cry, real women are sensitive, strong, crazy or serious.




100% Cotton

Available in S, M

Tanktop Real Woman Black Red

18,00 €

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  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

Shirt Real Women are however they want to be!

Because we can do what we want to do and NOBODY has to tell us who we are!


Available in sizes S, M

Shirt Real Women are however...

25,00 €

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  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1

Babum! Der Schlag deines Herzens, wenn du du DEN Menschen triffst, der dich aus der Fassung und deinen Körper zum Beben bringt. Ein erotischer Liebesroman rund um die Themen Beziehung, Liebe, Sex und Seitensprünge.



Babum! The beat of your heart when you meet THE man who upsets you and makes your body tremble. An erotic romance novel about relationship, love, sex and escapades.








Babum bei Twentysix (portofrei)

Babum bei Amazon

Meine Geschichte geht natürlich noch weiter. Zurück in Deutschland und als frischgebackener Single möchte ich mir meinen Spass und meine Freiheit natürlich nicht nehmen lassen. Allerdings gibt es da ein klitzekleines Problem: Rico will mir einfach nicht aus dem Kopf gehen!



Back in Germany and as a new single I don't want my fun and my freedom to be taken away. However, there is a tiny problem: Rico just won't get out of my head!










Babum II bei Twentysix

Und bei Amazon